Application Packaging & Scripting
Application packaging and scripting help companies to efficiently manage growing volumes of software for desktop and server systems. Application packaging lets you make significant savings on management costs and application support.
What is packaging?
The packaging, re-packaging, virtualization, or scripting of applications, also called software packaging, involves the modification or conversion of the installer of existing applications in order to make them suitable for distribution and uniform usage. It is a specialism which arose out of the need to be able to install applications automatically and more important to standardize the usage of applications across an organization. This was originally done by creating scripts that were, for example, run from the registration script.

With the arrival of the Microsoft Installer (MSI), application packaging became a discipline in its own right: MSI packaging. And with the arrival of Application Virtualization (such as Microsoft App-V and VMware ThinApp), packaging has truly become a specialism. However, because packaging has many points of contact with the setup of your workspaces, application servers and infrastructure, it is necessary for packagers to have the necessary in-house knowledge of operating systems, networks, distribution mechanisms, security and various kinds of management software. In today’s world and continuous improvement of techniques such as MSIX and Application Layering (Citrix App Layering and VMWare AppVolumes) introduced themselves as future disciplines.
Software Packaging
The use of software packaging ensures digital efficiency within your business. Large companies often have to deal with complex software landscape updates, as they need to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10 or make a transition to a cloud based infrastructure. This installation process can be completely supported and automated by means of software packaging. Software packaging helps to get higher profits out of business activities because you no longer need staff to update your ICT facilities.
We provide the optimal packaging of the software, which speeds up distribution. This means that each system in your company is automatically provided with new software and updates. Thanks to software packaging, it is no longer necessary to install software manually. The standardization of all your software lowers your management costs.
Application Lifecycle Management
ATS Teconomy specializes in application packaging, scripting & virtualization. With us, you’re guaranteed of an optimally designed packaging process. We provide our expertise both on a project-by-project basis as well as for fixed-price projects. Our specialists have full command of the discipline, right down to the smallest details. Furthermore, our specialists have years of experience in the field of packaging, which allows us to offer your company clear added values.
At ATS Teconomy, each application engineer (also known as A packager) also has in-depth knowledge of operating systems, software distribution systems as well as infrastructure components such as Active Directory, Azure, Databases.
As a partner of Microsoft, Citrix, VMware, Ivanti, Liquidware and others, we can help you make the right choices about the deployment of management tooling so that optimal use can be made of all package functionalities.
The advantages of application packaging from are:
ATS Teconomy offers its packaging services for all companies and organizations engaged in software packaging. Over the years, we have amassed knowledge and experience in widely differing organizations and sectors. Our professionals can be therefore be deployed in all manner of situations.
Our customers includes government and several Top 500 companies, although the number of larger SMEs is on the rise. For a more complete overview, see our reference page.