NEN 4400-1 Certified
The law and regulations governing the hiring of staff (and therefore professionals) was amended on 1 July 2012. Clients who do business with companies that do not have their affairs in order run the risk of penalties and the hiring liability.
ATS Teconomy has therefore been certified to NEN 4400-1, which enables it to offer its clients maximum protection.
New rules for the hiring of professionals
The provisions of the Law on the Allocation of Employees by Intermediaries, which governs the hiring and secondment of staff, were originally intended to counteract fraud and abuse related to the hiring and secondment of employees in certain economic sectors. Following their amendment on 1 July 2012, they now also apply to the ICT sector and have specific consequences for the hiring of self-employed persons and consultants of IT service providers.
Exempt from hiring liability
Despite proper registration and regardless of the scope, organizations that hire personnel run the risk of the so-called hiring liability if the company they do business with does not remit its payroll tax and VAT on time.
Thanks to our NEN 4400-1 certification, we have the quality seal of the Labor Standards Foundation (Stichting Normering Arbeid – SNA). The SNA quality seal shows that ATS Teconomy remits its tax and contributions on time and is a requirement for total hiring liability indemnification for companies that hire personnel.